Adrian Wong

Physiotherapist (Bulk-billing Physio)


Macquarie Park:
Book online now or call (02) 9869 2572
Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays 9am-6pm

Book online now or call (02) 8208 8886
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-6pm
Saturdays 9am–1pm


  • English
  • Cantonese
  • Mandarin

Adrian completed a bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. He has always aspired to be an inspirational Physiotherapist from a young age. He is passionate about not only assisting people to recover from different injuries and conditions, but also empowering them to return to daily activities they value.

Throughout his degree, Adrian has experience across a multitude of clinical areas, including but not limited to musculoskeletal, neurological and hand physiotherapy. Adrian also dedicated his time to volunteering work, including regular social visits to a local aged care home as well as paediatric rehabilitation at Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Bringing meaning to the lives of the vulnerable has always been rewarding to him.

In particular, Adrian has developed a strong interest in treating musculoskeletal conditions, especially chronic pain and occupation-related injuries. He actively applies manual therapy and exercise prescription to his treatment, as well as advocates self-management in the long run. He adopts a holistic and person-centred approach in his sessions, alongside a strong drive in guiding his patients to achieve their goals by overcoming their limitations.

Outside of work, Adrian enjoys hiking with friends, reading and playing table tennis. He is a very approachable person who is always ready for a chat!

Adrian is a bulk-billing Physiotherapist for Medicare CDM (EPC) referrals.

Special Interests

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Occupation-related injuries
  • Orthopaedic rehab

Treatment Techniques

  • Myofascial Release
  • ⁠Active release techniques
  • Evidence-based exercise rehabilitation
  • ⁠McKenzie method for lower back disorders
  • Maitland joint mobilisations
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound and Electrotherapy
  • Kinesiology and Rigid taping


  • BAppSc (Physio)
  • Member of APA

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