
Your tight hips can be the cause of your back pain

Back pain in Australia:

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal issues we see in the physiotherapy clinic. Approximately 80% of Australians will experience back pain at some stage of their life. This equates to a direct cost of treatment of over $1 billion each year. It the number #1 cause of disability in Australia. The cause of back pain is often multi-factorial which means there are many contextual factors that can cause your pain. These factors can include:

  • Environmental: E.g., Tradesman jobs that require heavy lifting. Office jobs that require prolonged hours in a seated position
  • Beliefs: People who have harmful beliefs of their back pain often have poorer outcomes in recovery.
  • Stress: Financial, work related and personal stress can increase the perception of pain which can prolong recovery
  • Motor coordination: the ability for the muscles and the brain to work together to efficiently move the back
  • Muscle weakness/endurance: When the body cannot handle the amount of load put onto it then this is how injuries can occur in the body.
  • Joint stiffness: Joints that are stiff can prevent the spine from moving optimally in daily activities.
  • Nerve sensitivity: Similar to muscles, nerves can also get tight due to our environmental factors. People often report numbness sensation when the nerves are irritated in the body

Why your hips are important to fix back pain?

As you can see, there are many reasons that can cause back pain. However, a common cause of back pain can be due to tight hips. One of your hip flexors referred to as the psoas connect your thigh to your lower back. You can see that if that muscle gets irritated then it can translate to lower back pain. Often our jobs require us to sit for prolonged hours which can put this muscle in a shortened position. As a result, this can make the psoas muscle weak and tight. Stretching this muscle can help reduce the symptoms of back pain. However, a physiotherapy led strengthening exercises is usually needed to prevent this issue from coming back. When a muscle is weak then it will always be the first muscle that gets tight because it is unable to support the load placed on the body.

The general recommendation for back pain

Keep moving: Back pain can be very painful for many people especially if it is mechanical back pain. Mechanical back pain is back pain due to lifting movement. You may need to reduce your activities to avoid further aggravating your back. It is usually recommended to have 1-2 days of rest after an acute episode of back pain. It is generally not recommended to rest for more than a couple of days because prolonged rest can lead to weaker bones and muscles.

It is important to check with your local GP and physiotherapist before beginning any back pain exercise routine. At Myphysio, our knowledgeable physiotherapist are experts at identifying the cause of back pain and providing an individualised program the rehabilitate your back so you can get back to doing your activities. Book an appointment at one of our convenient locations today.