Dennis Ip

Senior Physiotherapist


West Ryde:
Book online now or call (02) 9808 5948
Wednesdays & Fridays 9am-7pm; Saturdays 9am-1pm

Top Ryde:
Book online now or call (02) 8964 8174
Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30am-5:30pm


  • English
  • Cantonese
  • Mandarin (Basic)

Dennis graduated from the University of Sydney, School of Physiotherapy in 2008. He initially practiced in the hospital setting, which included Concord Repatriation General Hospital; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; and overseas in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong which provided him with a large exposure of patient presentations and treatment options. He has since practiced as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist in the private setting since 2013, serving patients across Eastwood, Epping, Ryde, Meadowbank, Campsie, Hurstville and more.

Dennis has vast experience in treatments of spinal conditions with particular interest in the rehabilitation of chronic neck and shoulder problems. He understands the frustration of lingering issues while seeking different medical professionals without long term results. He believes that management need to be holistic; beginning with a detailed examination, an accurate diagnosis of the potential causes, and a clear plan that includes effective treatment, advice and modifications in the client’s daily life.

Dennis is fluent in both English and Chinese (Cantonese and limited Mandarin). In his free time, he enjoys watching and playing basketball, tennis, piano and also making delicious foods to feed his wife.

Please note: This practitioner is a non bulk-billing Physiotherapist for Medicare EPC referrals. A gap payment will be charged over the counter after your appointment.

Special Interests

  • Chronic Neck and Shoulder problems

Treatment Techniques

  • Soft tissue release
  • Evidence-based exercise rehabilitation
  • Maitland joint mobilisations
  • Kinesiology and Rigid taping
  • Traction
  • Static and dynamic stretching
  • Dry needling


  • BAppSc (Physio)
  • Member of APA

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