
5 Physio Tips On How To Manage Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common chronic condition that can affect the joints of the body. It causes the cartilage to breakdown which creates friction between the bones. This can make common daily tasks (walking, sitting and standing) a painful activity. It is very common as you get older, in fact approximately 1 in 11 Australians are affected by osteoarthritis. Think of osteoarthritis like getting wrinkles on your skin. However, many people can live an active and pain-free life with the help of a multi-disciplinary team. In this blog, we are going to explore 5 helpful tips you can use to manage the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

1. Weight Loss:

A large component of managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis is to keep a healthy weight. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare defines a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 25 as being overweight. Research have shown a 5% decrease in body weight over 20 weeks have significant benefits in overall function. This lifestyle change can help you avoid or delay the need to reach for medicine or surgery. Weight loss places less body weight on the joints affected by osteoarthritis.

2. Strength And Condition Program:

The aim of exercise is to improve the strength of certain muscles that will provide better support for the joint affected by osteoarthritis. For example, building quadriceps muscles to support the knee joint. Strong muscles can help cushion, support and protect the joint. It is normal to feel slight muscular discomfort  when doing the exercise however you should stop the exercise if the pain is excessive. It is important to be safe when doing the exercise, always consult a doctor or physiotherapist before beginning any exercise program.

3. Activity Modification:

Osteoarthritis symptoms can be a painful experience and make you want to limit your movement. People often believe that moving can worsen their arthritis. However, that is simply outdated advice! When we don’t move, our muscles become weaker which means less support on the osteoarthritic joints. Try to slowly incorporate more movement in your daily activities, motion is lotion for our body! This can be increasing your daily steps with the help of a step tracker. People also often find swimming easy for the joints because the buoyancy of the water means there is no pressure on the joints

4. Dietary Change:

The food we consume plays a significant role in the management of osteoarthritis. The combination of a healthy diet and exercise is required for a successful weight loss. It is important to note, that there is no specific diet to cure arthritis, the best diet is a well-balanced and healthy diet that can help you reach a healthy weight. The help of a dietician can assist you in achieving this goal. There are also many reliable websites online to help you get started, Arthritis NSW and Eat For Health are organisations that aim to empower individuals to take control of their health.

5. Talk To A Health Professional:

The management of osteoarthritis often involves a multi-disciplinary team. This will mainly involve your general practitioner, physiotherapists and a dietician. At Myphysio, our physiotherapist are experts at managing osteoarthritis. Our physiotherapists will educate you on the condition and provide self-management strategies so you are confident in handling your chronic condition. Book an appointment with one of our friendly physiotherapists today. We also have an instagram page where you can stay updated on the latest physiotherapy tips.


1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Osteoarthritis, What is Osteoarthritis? – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

2. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Guideline for Management of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis. https://www.racgp.org.au/download/Documents/Guidelines/Musculoskeletal/guideli ne-for-the-management-of-knee-and-hip-oa-2nd-edition.pdf. Published 2018.

3. NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. Musculoskeletal network: osteoarthritis chronic care program model of care. Sydney: ACI, 2012.

4. Arthritis NSW. Healthy Eating | Arthritis NSW. https://www.arthritisnsw.org.au/living-with-arthritis/healthy-eating/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2_OWBhDqARIsAAUNTTFjmKLys011kqMlYzgTohGfjTRoTm2g-kVyCLwuNa6QCjIqpeOoaVMaAn5QEALw_wcB

5. Australian Government Department of Health. Eat For Health. https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/